Shreeja Gokshuradi Suspension


This suspensions helps to break down kidney stones. Once the kidney stone starts breaking down, it converts into small piece that can be easily discharged naturally through urination. This suspension helps to cleansing urinary bladder & tract can be easily cleansed by staying hydrated.

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  • This suspensions helps to break down kidney stones. Once the kidney stone starts breaking down, it converts into small piece that can be easily discharged naturally through urination. This suspension helps to cleansing urinary bladder & tract can be easily cleansed by staying hydrated.
  • Herbal kidney stone syrup, also known as herbal kidney stone tonic or herbal kidney stone remedy, is a natural formulation derived from medicinal herbs that is specifically designed to support kidney health and address kidney stone concerns. While the specific benefits may vary depending on the ingredients used in the syrup, here are some potential advantages associated with herbal kidney stone syrup:
  • Kidney Stone Prevention: Herbal kidney stone syrup may contain herbs that have diuretic properties, such as dandelion root, parsley, or horsetail. These herbs can help increase urine production and promote the flushing out of substances that contribute to kidney stone formation, potentially reducing the risk of new stone formation.
  • Stone Dissolution and Passage: Some herbal ingredients in kidney stone syrups are believed to have lithotriptic properties, which means they may help dissolve or break down kidney stones. These herbs may include tribulus terrestris, punarnava, or gokshura. Additionally, certain herbs, like gravel root or hydrangea, are traditionally used to support the passage of kidney stones by relaxing the urinary tract muscles.
  • Soothing and Pain Relief: Kidney stones can cause significant pain and discomfort. Herbal kidney stone syrup may contain ingredients known for their soothing properties, such as marshmallow root or corn silk, which can help alleviate urinary tract irritation and reduce pain associated with kidney stones.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Inflammation often accompanies kidney stone formation and can contribute to pain and discomfort. Some herbs used in kidney stone syrups, such as turmeric or ginger, possess anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the urinary tract and kidneys.
  • Urinary Tract Support: Herbal kidney stone syrup may include herbs that support urinary tract health. For example, uva ursi or bearberry has antimicrobial properties and may help prevent urinary tract infections, which can sometimes be associated with kidney stones.
  • Kidney Function Support: Certain herbs, such as stinging nettle or corn silk, are traditionally used to support kidney function and overall renal health. These herbs may have diuretic properties and can help flush out toxins and waste products from the kidneys.

Directions for use: – 10 ml empty stomach at morning & 10 ml after dinner.

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