
Shreeja Custor Oil – Erand Oil 100 ML

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.

Indication: Erand (Castor oil) tail is a mild purgative for children above 5 years of age, weak adults & old people. Its indicated in Constipation.

Dose: use as directed by the physician.

SKU: OHCO01 Categories: ,
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Benefits of Cold Pressed Castor Oil Shreeja Custor Oil – Erand Oil

What comes to mind when you think of castor oil? Probably not lush, beautiful locks and glowing skin—but it should.

This incredibly versatile oil, which is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine has long been used to cure bouts of constipation and boost immune system function, but it actually contains loads of good-for-you compounds that make your body happy on the outside, too.

Castor oil contains high levels of vitamin E, which can reduce the appearance of scars and speed healing post-sunburn; ricinoleic acid, which helps increase circulation to the scalp and improve hair growth; antibacterial and anti-fungal compounds, which help treat acne and toenail fungus, and prevent dandruff; and omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids, which may help reduce skin sensitivity and ease inflammation. Shreeja Custor Oil – Erand Oil

Additional information

Weight100 g
Dimensions7 × 3 × 7 cm

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