Omkar’s Bottle Gourd Powder Mix

The bottle gourd is one of the most popular and most commonly consumed vegetables in India. What makes it more popular is the fact that it is easily digestible and is extremely good for health. The bottle gourd is really good for health. It is not only nutritious but is also a wonderful cooling vegetable that can really help you fight the hot summer months. Bottle gourd has gained quite a bit of popularity these days because of various reasons. The most important for girls and women is that it helps in weight loss and brings a glow to the skin.



Omkar’s Bottle Gourd Powder Mix

Directions of Use: Take a small amount of gel on to palm. Apply on required portion massage with motion. No need to wash thereafter.

  • Bottle gourd reduces hunger pangs as it is full of fiber and water
  • If one is suffering from high acidity or burning sensation then by drinking the juice one can combat the problem
  • Problems like diarrhea can be solved by drinking its juice
  • Juice of bottle gourd helps in breaking calculus (stone) in the body.
  • It can improve liver and nervous system function, and it can restore urinary, respiratory, and digestive tract health.
  • Bottle gourd’s benefits on the nervous system include treatment of such disorders as insanity and epilepsy
  • It can bring back the lost glow of the skin or enhance the color of the skin as well.
  • Drinking bottle gourd juice with salt keeps one refreshed and cool during summer
  • If you are suffering from any digestive problem or if one is diabetic then bottle gourd juice can help the diseased person
  • Dietary fiber present in the bottle gourd helps in constipation, flatulence and even piles

The dietary fiber present in the bottle gourd makes it a very useful vegetable in preventing digestive disorders such as constipation, flatulence, and piles. Bottle gourd juice has been found to be effective in treating urinary disorders. A glass of fresh juice taken daily with lime juice helps in treating the burning sensation in the urinary passage.
Bottle gourd juice is also considered to be beneficial in insanity, epilepsy, and other nervous diseases. A glass of this juice taken daily is also considered to prevent premature graying of hair.

Low in Calories and Fat:
The bottle gourd is low in fat and cholesterol yet high in dietary fiber. It contains 96% water and 100gm of it contains around 12 Kcal. It is rich in iron and also has vitamins C and B complex. It has sodium of 1.8mg per 100gm and 87 mg of potassium making it a suitable vegetable for hypertensive patients. It is excellent for light, low-cal diets, as well as for small children, people with digestive problems, diabetics, and convalescents.

Excessive Thirst:
The juice of bottle gourd is a valuable medicine for excessive thirst due to severe diarrhea, diabetes and excessive use of fatty or fried foods. A glassful of plain juice with a pinch of salt should be taken every day in this condition. Its use during summer prevents excessive loss of sodium, quenches thirst and helps in preventing fatigue.

Urinary disorders:
Bottle gourd is very valuable in treating urinary disorders. It serves as an alkaline mixture for treating burning sensation in urinary passage due to the high acidity of urine. A glassful of fresh juice prepared by grating the whole fruit should be mixed with a teaspoonful of lime juice and included in the daily diet. It carries the potential for breaking calculus (stones) in the body.

Balancing Liver Function:
This vegetable is very good for balancing liver function. It is often recommended by ayurvedic physicians when the liver is inflamed and cannot efficiently process food for maximum nutrition and assimilation.

Premature Graying Hair:
Ayurveda suggests Bottle gourd juice once daily in the early morning for treating Graying Hair.

Nervous diseases:
Mixture of bottle gourd juice a sesame oil acts as an effective medicine for insomnia. It should be massaged over scalp every night. The juice is useful in treating insanity, epilepsy & other nervous diseases.

The bitter variety is prescribed as a cardiac tonic, as an antidote to poisoning and for alleviating bronchitis, cough, asthma and biogenic affections.

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